Guides / Sending and managing data / Manage indices and apps / Manage indices

Export and Import Indices and Settings

You can export the configuration of one index and import it in another index. This can be useful if you want to:

  • Back up your index configuration
  • Track changes to the index configuration, for example, with a version control system
  • Apply the same configuration to multiple indices, for example, moving between staging and production environments, or when you have different indices for different geographical regions

If you want to copy an index’s settings to another index, see Copy indices.

Export records from your indices

You can export the records in your indices using one of these methods:

You can’t export records with the Algolia dashboard.

Import records

If you want to upload records to Algolia, see these topics for more information:

What’s included in the index configuration

Your index configuration contains values for:

Export index configuration from the Algolia dashboard

To export the configuration of an index from the Algolia dashboard as a JSON file:

  1. Go to the Algolia dashboard and select your index from the Index menu.
  2. Select Manage index > Export Configuration.

    Select an index and export its configuration as JSON file in the Algolia dashboard

  3. Choose what you want to export: Settings, Synonyms, or Rules.

    Select if you want to export Settings, Syonyms, or Rules and confirm

  4. Click Export Configuration to download a JSON file with the index configuration.

Export index configuration using the API

You can get the index settings, Rules, and synonyms from the API and export the settings in any format you like. To read settings, Rules, and synonyms, you need an API key with settings permissions. Using the Algolia CLI, you can save the output of the following commands directly, or transform the data into any format you like.

You can obtain the configuration of an index with the following methods:

  Algolia CLI API clients
Settings algolia settings get getSettings
Rules algolia rules browse exportRules
Synonyms algolia synonyms browse exportSynonyms

Import index configuration from the Algolia dashboard

To import the configuration of an index from a JSON file in the Algolia dashboard:

  1. Go to the Algolia dashboard and select your index from the Index menu.
  2. Select Manage index > Import Configuration.

    Import an index configuration from a JSON file

  3. Select the JSON file you want to import. Choose what you want to import: Settings, Synonyms, or Rules.

    Select what you want to import from a JSON file, settings, synonyms, or Rules

  4. Type IMPORT to confirm and click Import Configuration.

    Importing settings replaces all existing index settings with the imported ones. Synonyms and Rules are replaced if the synonym or Rule already exists. Otherwise, new synonyms or Rules are added.

Import index configuration using the API

After importing a file with the index configuration, you can use these methods to change the configuration. You need an API key with editSettings permissions.

  Algolia CLI API clients
Update settings algolia settings import setSettings
Add Rules algolia rules import saveRule
Add Synonyms algolia synonyms import saveSynonym
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